Friday, July 30, 2010
This Week's CHART. Weee!! 07302010
5. Owl City - Sunburn
4. Eminem feat. Rihanna - Love The Way You Lie
3. The Bird And The Bee - Heard It On The Radio
2. Justin Bieber - Never Say Never
1. Kelly Clarkson - All I Ever Wanted
Miley Cyrus - Can't Be Tamed
Ke$ha - Your Love Is My Drug
30. Taio Cruz feat. Ludacris - Break Your Heart
29. Train - Hey, Soul Sister
28. John Mayer - Heartbreak Warfare
27. Ke$ha - Blah Blah Blah
26. Timbaland feat. Katy Perry - If We Ever Meet Again
25. Diana Vickers - Once (LAST WEEK'S NEW ENTRY)
24. Usher feat. Will.I.Am - OMG
23. Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are NE
22. Mamas Gun - Finger On It
21. La Roux - Bulletproof
20. Adam Lambert - Whataya Want From Me
19. Paramore - The Only Exception
18. Maroon 5 - Misery HNE
17. Avril Lavigne - Alice
16. 30 Seconds to Mars - This Is War
15. 3oh3 feat. Kesha - First Kiss (LAST WEEK'S HOTTEST NEW ENTRY)
14. B.O.B. feat. Hayley Williams - Airplanes
13. Adam Lambert - If I Had You
12. 30 Seconds to Mars - Closer to the Edge (LAST WEEK'S NEW ENTRY)
11. Lady Antebellum - Need You Now
10. General Luna - Red Heaven
9. Charice feat. Iyaz - Pyramid
8. Owl City - Sunburn
7. Katy Perry feat. Snoop Dogg - California Gurl
6. Daughtry - September
5. Boys Like Girls - Heart Heart Heartbreak
4. The Bird And The Bee - Heard It On The Radio
3. Eminem feat. Rihanna - Love The Way You Lie
2. Justin Bieber - Never Say Never
1. Kelly Clarkson - All I Ever Wanted
Monday, July 26, 2010
What Do Katy Perry, Ke$ha, and Rihanna Have In Common?

then we have Ke$ha, here posing for Maxim Mag

Friday, July 23, 2010
CHART for July 23, 2010
5. Owl City - Sunburn
4. Justin Bieber - Never Say Never
3. Eminem feat. Rihanna - Love The Way You Lie
2. The Bird And The Bee - Heard It On The Radio
1. Kelly Clarkson - All I Ever Wanted
Owl City - Vanilla Twilight
Adam Lambert - For Your Entertainment
Taio Crus feat Ke$ha - Dirty Picture
30. Train - Hey, Soul Sister
29. Diana Vickers - Once NE
28. Miley Cyrus - Can't Be Tamed
27. John Mayer - Heartbreak Warfare
26. Timbaland feat. Katy Perry - If We Ever Meet Again
25. Mamas Gun - Finger On It
24. La Roux - Bulletproof
23. Taio Cruz feat. Ludacris - Break Your Heart
22. Paramore - The Only Exception
21. Ke$ha - Your Love Is My Drug
20. Usher feat. Will.I.Am - OMG (LAST WEEK'S RE-ENTRY)
19. Ke$ha - Blah Blah Blah
18. 30 Seconds to Mars - Closer to the Edge NE
17. B.O.B. feat. Hayley Williams - Airplanes
16. Avril Lavigne - Alice
15. 3oh3 feat. Kesha - First Kiss HNE
14. Adam Lambert - Whataya Want From Me
13. 30 Seconds to Mars - This Is War
12. General Luna - Red Heaven (LAST WEEK'S HOTTEST NEW ENTRY)
11. Adam Lambert - If I Had You
10. Lady Antebellum - Need You Now
9. Daughtry - September
8. Katy Perry feat. Snoop Dogg - California Gurl
7. Charice feat. Iyaz - Pyramid
6. Boys Like Girls - Heart Heart Heartbreak
5. Owl City - Sunburn
4. Eminem feat. Rihanna - Love The Way You Lie
3. The Bird And The Bee - Heard It On The Radio
2. Justin Bieber - Never Say Never
1. Kelly Clarkson - All I Ever Wanted
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
You Are The Only Inception

Soooooo! INCEPTION was premiered by 99.5RT last week and it was A-MAY-ZA-ZING!! The whole dream thing is what I'm super into and just seeing the things that I'm normally able to do when I'm asleep was pretty intense! The whole time watching, I thought I was going to get a panic attack--the thought that I could get stuck in a dream within a dream within yet another dream was pretty scary, because I have at least 5 dreams a night (that I can remember, that is), and these dreams span days!
Yes, this is fiction, but it's based on fact! MY FACT!!
Ahh, it was awesome.
And I'm proud to say that it broke records :> Other than garnering $60Mil, it got 6million pounds in its opening weekend in the UK!
Woo! Go Leo!
My favorite characters were Gordon-Levitt and Paige ;)
Friday, July 16, 2010
WHOA!! Chart reversal!! 07162010
2. The Bird And The Bee - Heard It On The Radio
3. Eminem feat. Rihanna - Love The Way You Lie
4. Justin Bieber - Never Say Never
5. Owl City - Sunburn
6. Charice feat. Iyaz - Pyramid
7. Boys Like Girls - Heart Heart Heartbreak
8. Adam Lambert - If I Had You
9. Katy Perry feat. Snoop Dogg - California Gurl
10. Lady Antebellum - Need You Now
11. Daughtry - September
12. Adam Lambert - Whataya Want From Me
13. 30 Seconds to Mars - This Is War
14. Ke$ha - Blah Blah Blah
15. Avril Lavigne - Alice
16. B.O.B. feat. Hayley Williams - Airplanes
17. Taio Cruz feat. Ludacris - Break Your Heart
18. Ke$ha - Your Love Is My Drug
19. Paramore - The Only Exception
20. La Roux - Bulletproof
21. General Luna - Red Heaven HNE
22. Adam Lambert - For Your Entertainment
23. Usher feat. Will.I.Am - OMG RE
24. Timbaland feat. Katy Perry - If We Ever Meet Again
25. Train - Hey, Soul Sister
26. Owl City - Vanilla Twilight
27. Miley Cyrus - Can't Be Tamed
28. John Mayer - Heartbreak Warfare RE
29. Mamas Gun - Finger On It
30. Taio Crus feat Ke$ha - Dirty Picture RE
B.O.B. feat. Bruno Mars - Nothin' On You
Jason Derulo - In My Head
Iyaz - Solo
Owl City - Fireflies
5. Boys Like Girls - Heart Heart Heartbreak
4. La Roux - Bulletproof
3. The Bird And The Bee - Heard It On The Radio
2. Adam Lambert - If I Had You (last week's HNE at number 2)
1. Kelly Clarkson - All I Ever Wanted
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Lady Gaga on Lennon's Piano
When I first saw it, I was like, "Aw, hey, would ya look at that." then I though, "Oh uh, rabid fans will start an uproar."
And true enough, they're complaining about Gaga playing on the white piano.
One fan tweeted, "WHY WOULD YOU LET LADY GAGA PLAY ON JOHN'S PIANO? I'm disappointed. >:("
To which Sean Lennon replied, "pianos [are meant] to be played. Why is everyone so uptight? What should we do, lock it away in a dusty room? So judgmental..."
and I was like, "F*CK YEAH, SEAN!!"
'Coz what the hell, right? First of all, it ain't your's Yoko Ono' if Yoko Ono says you can play, then you can play.
Second, Lady Gaga started classical piano when she was 4, wrote her first keyboard ballad at 13, and majored in it over at NYU so I think she knows what to do with a piano. It's not like she's peeing on the damn thing.
Third, like what Sean Lennon said, pianos are meant to be played. I think alot of people would agree with me when I say that John Lennon would rather have the keys played than it just be kept there gathering dust.
Fourth, John Lennon was all about peace. Make love, not war. Sean Lennon's right: "...he was not uptight the way you seem to be. Come on, lighten's too short, there're enough real problems in the world...."
Now you know my opinion. What do you guys think, though?
Friday, July 9, 2010
SHART!!! er..I mean CHARTTT!!!
5. La Roux - Bulletproof
4. Adam Lambert - Whataya Want From Me
3. The Bird And The Bee - Heard It On The Radio
2. Adam Lambert - If I Had You
1. Kelly Clarkson - All I Ever Wanted
John Mayer - Heartbreak Warfare
Taio Crus feat Ke$ha - Dirty Picture
Usher feat. Will.I.Am - OMG
30. B.O.B. feat. Bruno Mars - Nothin' On You
29. Daughtry - September (NE)
28. Jason Derulo - In My Head
27. 30 Seconds to Mars - This Is War
26. Iyaz - Solo
25. Timbaland feat. Katy Perry - If We Ever Meet Again
24. Owl City - Vanilla Twilight
23. Eminem feat. Rihanna - Love The Way You Lie (NE)
22. Mamas Gun - Finger On It
21. Owl City - Fireflies
20. Ke$ha - Blah Blah Blah
19. Train - Hey, Soul Sister
18. Justin Bieber - Never Say Never (HNE)
17. Lady Antebellum - Need You Now
16. Miley Cyrus - Can't Be Tamed
15. Paramore - The Only Exception
14. Ke$ha - Your Love Is My Drug
13. Taio Cruz feat. Ludacris - Break Your Heart
12. B.O.B. feat. Hayley Williams - Airplanes
11. Katy Perry feat. Snoop Dogg - California Gurl
10. Adam Lambert - For Your Entertainment
9. Owl City - Sunburn
8. Adam Lambert - Whataya Want From Me
7. Charice feat. Iyaz - Pyramid
6. Avril Lavigne - Alice
5. Boys Like Girls - Heart Heart Heartbreak
4. La Roux - Bulletproof
3. The Bird And The Bee - Heard It On The Radio
2. Adam Lambert - If I Had You (last week's HNE at number 2)
1. Kelly Clarkson - All I Ever Wanted
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
I LOVE the smell of spam in the morning. I had spam earlier for breakfast and it was the best EVARRR.
THAT'S the kind of spam I like.
NOT the kind that comments on your posts with incoherent programming codes, talking about clinical depression.
We obviously aren't depressed here. CRAZY, yes. Depressed? NO.
Well, except maybe that hater who kept posting...well then! I guess your spamming works! Haven't seen him post in a while, so I guess he read your comment :D
Hey! Listen to the RT30! ♥
(EDIT: HEY I'M NOT MEAN OKAY!! Kidding :)) but no, really, I'm not mean, I'm just joking around--it's pretty boring in the office lololololol)
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Cbox Replies
Since the Inka Impersonator incident, like I said, I've decided to reply to all your messages through blog posts (it worked! No more impersonator LOLOLOL). Keep posting messages, I love reading them :D
Glamberts, yay! IIHY is finally on the polls and the countdown, yes :D My pleasure to serve you :3 And he's coming over! Yes he is! Hopefully, I get to meet him like I did Jason Castro ♥

sinner27, halloo! There aren't any OPMs on the countdown because people have to ask for them first :) Ask for a current one, and I'll gladly put it in for you. Since not alot of people seem to know that you have to ask for any CURRENT song for it to get in, I'LL get it started ;) I've inputted Red Heaven by General Luna so you guys can start voting for it. If you want other OPMs, then gooo! :)
To those afflicted by the BieberFever, I've just added Never Say Never so start voting away! Before then, his song Baby didn't get enough votes and dropped out, so this is your chance to get him back in there! :D
RT30 happening this FRIIIDAAAYY!! So stay tuned and see (hear? :p) if your favorite songs made it to the top or dropped out. Woo!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Eminem - Not Afraid
Rihanna - Rockstar 101
30. B.O.B. feat. Bruno Mars - Nothin' On You
29. John Mayer - Heartbreak Warfare (NE)
28. Mamas Gun - Finger On It
27. 30 Seconds to Mars - This Is War
26. Jason Derulo - In My Head
25. Timbaland feat. Katy Perry - If We Ever Meet Again
24. Taio Crus feat Ke$ha - Dirty Picture
23. Miley Cyrus - Can't Be Tamed
22. Taio Cruz feat. Ludacris - Break Your Heart
21. Iyaz - Solo
20. Ke$ha - Blah Blah Blah
19. Boys Like Girls - Heart Heart Heartbreak
18. Paramore - The Only Exception
17. Usher feat. Will.I.Am - OMG
16. Owl City - Fireflies
15. Train - Hey, Soul Sister
14. Lady Antebellum - Need You Now
13. Owl City - Vanilla Twilight
12. Ke$ha - Your Love Is My Drug
11. Owl City - Sunburn
10. Katy Perry feat. Snoop Dogg - California Gurl
9. B.O.B. feat. Hayley Williams - Airplanes
8. Avril Lavigne - Alice
7. Charice feat. Iyaz - Pyramid
6. Adam Lambert - For Your Entertainment
5. La Roux - Bulletproof
4. Adam Lambert - Whataya Want From Me
3. The Bird And The Bee - Heard It On The Radio
2. Adam Lambert - If I Had You (HNE)
1. Kelly Clarkson - All I Ever Wanted